Sunday, January 15, 2012


The past two weeks have been weird for me.  I am actually training less than I do on a normal basis.  I know that a few months from now I will be begging to go back to this point but right now it is just weird.  Over the past two weeks I have logged 7 hours on the bike, 5 hours running, 4.5 hours swimming and 2.5 hrs strength training.  Although the volume is low the workouts are by no means are easy.  The bike has been a bit brutal.  The whole concept of riding inside is just mind-numbing(not to mention butt-numbing!) to begin with and every minute feels like 10. It doesn't help that I haven't had a chance to pimp out my workout room yet so I can't even watch TV.  This leaves me with music and my own rambling thoughts to pass the time. Running is good because I don't really mind running by myself but I enjoy running with friends even more.  Lucky for me I have two training partners who are more than happy to join me at 4:30 am for a run.  Cindy and I have been running at 4:30 since July of 2010 when we began training for the Chicago marathon. Kerry joined us last summer and the three of us have run in the heat, humidity, rain, snow, wind and bitter cold.  Might I add we all look mighty fine sporting our headlamps and reflective vests!!!!  As far as swimming goes there isn't much I can say.  Well actually there is a lot I could say but it would contain quite a few f-bombs and have my Mom picking up her St. Anthony's hotline to ask the friars to put me on the prayer circle.  Stay tuned for upcoming posts where I will talk about each aspect of the race and what I will be up against.  Oh the I said this blog is for my family so it is written as if I am having a conversation with them.  Therefore I do not give a crap about proper grammer, punctuation or spelling for that matter.  So if you are reading it and think you are the sheriff of grammertown spare me (you know who you are).  I have better things to do than spell check and I know my family gets it. Onward and upward peeps.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that I am not the sheriff or grammartown sissy!
    Love you
