Thursday, June 28, 2012


So for the first time since June 12th I had an ok run yesterday morning.  It wasn't spectacular or effortless mind you but I didn't feel like I was hyperventilating the whole time or my heart was going to explode or that my legs had the strengh of overcooked spaghetti.  I started at 4:15AM and got in 9 miles before work.  This morning I was on the trainer at 4:15 AM and put in a 90 min ride that featured 40 mins non-stop at a high power level.  Yes that hurt BUT it wasn't unbearable and I was actually able to get to the correct power which I have been struggling to do lately.  When I uploaded these workouts I wrote a comment to Jeff that I finally feel like I am getting some pep back in my legs.  He sent me this chart and told me my Training Stress Balance reached an all-time low on Sunday.

 What does that mean???  It means I was flat out tired, exhausted and my muscles had given up.  My training load was too much for my rest periods.  There is little to no hope of having good workouts at that point.  However apparently that is exactly where I was supposed to be.  Yes I did training camp with my body in that hugely negative
...flat out tired box!!!!!!  This gives me more hope that race day really will be easier and faster.  Check out some random training camp pics.  Thanks to Coach Tom for taking them.

Can we please start?????

We are going downhill that's why it looks easy

I'm hot Kerry..can we stop now???


OMG Deanne you are so jacked I can't get this zippered!!!

Kerry and I are the two on the right totally rethinking this swim thing.

Really??  Does this lake have to be so big? That's a long way.

                        Very important cheerleading component of race day.  More cowbell!!!                        


  1. OK seriously...I just cracked up out loud at the caption about u being soo friggin kill me, I love the captions on all the pics but that one takes the cake, oh sissy, I am telling you this publishment is gana be a best seller...and p.s."who cares about" I still love you even if you are in the Flat Out Broke Ass Box....U Go Girl

  2. P.S.S. Do I Get A COWBELL?????????????????

    1. Your mouth is louder than a cow bell!!!!!!!!!

  3. I WANT A COWBELL!!!!!!!!

    Way to be sneaky and sneak in a mid-week blog. Do we get a prize for seeing it on post day????

    1. Susan you can absolutely have a cowbell HOWEVER Quinn is keeper of the cowbells so you have to pick it up in Lake Placid!!!! You do deserve a prize for catching the mid-week blog. It's in the mail:)


  4. I can't really speak for tray but I can assure all of you that my mouth is louder than a cowbell! I'm cracking myself up just thinking about Josh's reaction to the cowbell and yes quinine I better get one! The jacked up comment was hilarious dee! Only 3 weeks to go dee-can't believe it is almost here. Of course my anxiety level is extremely high just thinking about getting there but provided we make it in one piece it's gonna be freakin awesome! No wonder your legs always feel like their falling off Dee-they are beyond exhausted and need a rest along with all your other parts.
    Sissy jack

  5. Deanne, I can't believe that being at an all time low is where you should be at this point., I guess that means there's no way to go but up. Really wish we could be there on race day. I just love the cowbells. Bet your Mom rings hers the loudest. She is so proud of you and rightly so. You Hobba girls will be a fantastic cheering section and the Burns girls will be there in spirit. Love you bunches....
