Wednesday, June 13, 2012


On July 22nd as I stand before the biggest challenge of my life in Lake Placid, the Ironman people will take a Sharpie marker and write my race number on my bicep and quad and my age on the back of my calf.  I am bringing my own Sharpie to Lake Placid because I have something to add.  On the back of my left hand I will write FOR. On the back of my right hand I will write DAVID.  When the race gets hard...and it will, when everything hurts...and it will, when I want to quit...and I will and when I think I can't possibly take one more step I will look at the back of my hands.  Despite the fact that it is hard and everything hurts and I just want to quit, I will take that next step and then another and however many more I have to to get to the finish line.  I will do it FOR DAVID.  I will do it for the man he was, for all he meant to all of us and for all he never got a chance to do himself.  I love you David.


  1. So those blogs probably weren't the best things to be reading at work, especially considering that I had just got done reading the copy of David's eulogy that Susan sent right before that. So as I sit her typing this with tears falling down my face, I just want to tell you all how very much I love you and that for all the craziness we have in this family, I wouldn't trade any of you! This weekend was horrible but wonderful at the same time!I am truly thankful to have the love of this family.

    On a lighter note,Dee I am really glad that your legs didn't burst into flames because as the picture above states, that would definitely hurt!


  2. I think it's best to reward your self with a piece of chocolate cake (mmmm- cake said the cave-person). Please make sure you save some for breakfast.

    I know David will be watching you every mile- and he will finally find the strength he lost so many months ago in his dear, dear cousin who has the courage to complete this feat.

    Think of Collin as you make that swim, bike ride and run. One of his favorite super heros is Iron Man (pronounced I-run Man). I couldn't think of a better person to serve as a real life super hero than you Deanne.

    @ Jacki- please reapply your eye-liner since I am sure it ran down your lovely face ;)-

    I love you Deanne Hobba!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Dear is is possible that all of our tear ducts haven't been clogged, shut off, or simply dried up by now...U will have that wonderful cousin of ours in heaven rooting for you and giving you strength every step of the way..I wouldn't trade any single one of you in this family, there aren't even words to describe the immense love, and support we have for each other...I love you all

  3. Yes, we had quite an emotional week - too bad we don't have stock in Kleenex!! Deanne, we all know you can do are an amazing young woman. Chris & Susan were my heros this past week - how you did all you did I will never fact all of you "middle-aged" kids did a great job keeping it together, and keeping us old folks sane. I think this says it all...."WE ARE FAM-I-LY". Love you all!!

  4. So, I didn't comment the first time that I read this blog because I was crying and thought it would be better to wait until I had my thoughts together. I didn't cry less the second time I read the blog with all of the replies, so i figured my thoughts will never be together enough to do this without crying.

    Deanne - this is a beautiful tribute FOR DAVID and I could not agree more with Chris that you are 100% the right person to serve as our real life super hero. I wish that I could be in Lake Placid with you on July 22nd, but know that I will be thinking of you as David is watching over you.

    Aunt Beth - Chris and I were able to do what we did over the past week because we saw Meema and our Aunts and Uncles doing it time and time again...when the worst possible thing happens to you - you get with your family and figure out a way to move forward. That is what we are doing now. It will be a long road, but we will move forward with the help of our wonderful family and friends.

    I love you all!!!!
