As the sun comes up athletes are getting body marked |
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You're right Josh...we do resemble a pink penis |
I am not sure I did anything that resembled swimming on the way out that first loop. It was sorta like swim swim swim ouch hit in arm swim swim swim ouch hit in leg swim really dude do you have to swim over top of me. I was constantly adjusting to avoid flying body parts and a few times got sucked in towards the cable where it was worse. It is virtually impossible to free yourself while you are there so you just grin and bear it. The return trip was slightly better but still a lot of contact. It was on the way back that it struck me....despite the fact that I am swimming and getting beat down on occasion I am having fun!!!!! Holy did that happen? As I got closer to the end of the loop I could here the crowds screaming. I got out of the water and looked at my watch. 46:23. I was happy with that. Through the arch back in the water for lap two. I did stop here and stand in the water to pee. Just sayin. I had to go. I knew the second lap wouldn't be as fast because there wouldn't be as much as a draft effect since it was spreading out some. I managed to get on the cable for a great deal of the second lap although there were times when it got dicey again and I had to get out of Dodge for a bit. Again as I made my way closer to the swim exit I could hear the crowds screaming and knew this was 2.4 mile IM swim was almost done. When I got out of the water I looked at my watch and saw 1:34. Holy shit. My best case scenario for my swim was 1:40. I think this picture pretty much sums up feelings about my swim
I pulled my wetsuit down to my waist and a volunteer looked at me and yelled "You, on the ground on your butt!!" I did as told and goes the wetsuit and thankfully my shorts stayed on. I stood up grabbed my suit from the stripper (wetsuit stripper that is) and headed out for the quarter mile run to transition. It was awesome to run down a street lined from beginning to end with people 3-4 deep screaming and clapping for you. Even better I saw my family and my awesome friends Cindy, Bonnie, Deb and Patty. As I entered the Oval I got my bike gear bag and entered the changing tent where an amazing volunteer told me to sit down, grabbed my bag and asked me what I needed. I had a note in my bag of things I needed to do so she worked through the list with me. Dry off, socks on, bike shoes on, eat, drink, take advil, race number on, turn on GPS tracker, arm coolers on, helmet on, sunglasses on, gu in pockets, watch off, Garmin on. I went to the bathroom and when got back she had all my stuff back in the bag and pointed me in the direction of my bike. I ran out of the tent and another awesome volunteer handed me my bike and I ran to the mount line. As I got on my bike and clipped in I looked at the clock. I was an hour and 50 mins into my Ironman day and off I went on the bike. I spent 15 mins in transition which is a long time but not all that uncommon. I had stuff to do and I didn't want to forget anything. In case you don't know you can click on the pics in the blogs and view them in a bigger size. Stay tuned for Part 2. Check out the link below for a pretty good video of the swim madness and traffic jam.
Deanne, The swim actually sounded like fun. Your Mom and Ariel were here last night and we heard some of the stories from their fantastic visit to Lake Placid. Probably a good place for a real vacation.. Keep the stories coming. By the way, Collin and Tracey were here and we kept up to date on your progress by computor and by "susan" updates
ReplyDeleteIt was without a doubt one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had ! In case you all don't already know it-my sister Dee is an amazing woman and I am in awe of her even more now than I was before! I never had any doubt in my mind that she would accomplish what she set out to do and if course she did not disappoint! Thanks to all who prayed for her and for all of the support you all gave to her during this whole journey. A very special thanks to Quinn and Kerry because you both were an amazing support system for her! Congrats to you Kerry too and I wish I would have gotten to see you after the race. Guess what Dee-you are an Ironman!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove Sissy Jack
Deanne - thanks for the details - I love reading them. I am so glad that you were able to have fun while doing this and I love the smile on your face as you transition from the swim. More important than all of this Ironman stuff is the fact that Jacki did NOT get murdered on her Lake Placid adventure. That is what I am most happy about!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear about the bike...