While I understand that a lot of my posts are on the humorous side this will probably not be one of them. There are a variety of reasons for this including mental and physical exhaustion, various reality checks and the lack of quality time with the fanastic programming of Nickelodeon. I will get into all that stuff shortly but let's review the past three weeks of training. Totals came in for the 3 week period at 8.5 hrs swimming, 16.75 hrs biking, 12.5 hrs running and 3 hrs of strength training. Last week I did my third FTP (functional threshold power) test workout on the bike since I started. This consists of a 30 min warmup followed by an all out as much as you can handle but in a steady fashion for 20 minutes effort. I dread these. Those 20 mins hurt and feel like an eternity. Just to review my FTP was originally set at 160 watts which means that is the maximum amount of power I can pedal with for an hour before my legs fall off. During my first test I averaged 171 watts, my second 173 and my third 186 watts. YIPPEE. I immediately got an email from Coach Jeff saying what a great job I did and that he was upping my FTP to 180 watts. This is kind of like your boss saying you are doing such a wonderful job that we are going to promote you and oh yeah...by the way your job just got a lot harder.

So I am thrilled I am getting stronger but wasn't so happy this week when all my bike workouts were now 12.5% harder. Believe me....I could feel the difference. OUCH.
These are some of the nicer things I have uttered during bike workouts. |
Swimming continues to annoy the hell out of me but I am still trying very hard to get better. I am making progress but I won't get majorly faster by race day and I am ok with that.
Glad this dude doesn't swim at the Y |
On a very good note with swimming my finger doesn't hurt. The cortisone shot really helped and now I can't wait to have a needle jammed back in there for some more. Whatever it takes!!!! After a little adjustment period I am finally getting used to the longer distance runs again. That is not to say they are easy because they certainly are not especially since they follow long bike workouts on Saturdays. Yesterday's bike was 3.5 hrs and today's run was 14. It is all about getting used to running on tired legs because that is what I have to do come race day. Since the weather was a balmy 47 degrees yesterday morning at 6AM, Kerry and I were able to get outside for a ride finally. It was very nice to be off that damn trainer but I did miss my mindless Saturday morning cartoons!!!!! Due to scheduling conflicts with Kerry and Cindy I had to run my 14 by myself today. The weather was good, 57 and clear, which means shorts and short sleeves. I ran with music which really helped pass the time but I was struggling around mile 12. Things were hurting and I just wanted to be done. I always look at these runs as mental training for the IM because I know there will be plenty of times during the race that I just want to stop and I need to learn how to block that out and keep going. I did. In the 2 hrs and 17 mins it took me to run that far I had a lot of time to think. I can't remember most of it but what I do remember is important so listen up. Not once but twice the week something happened to someone I know that made me thankful for what I have. A friend from work's father died suddenly and unexpectedly and Quinn's nephew was one of 5 police officers shot while trying to serve an arrest warrant in NH. Thankfully after some recovery time he will be fine but one of the officers with him was killed. Two very tragic examples that you just never know what is going to happen so Garth Brooks had it right when he said "So tell someone that you love just what you're thinking of if tomorrow never comes" With that my dear family I will leave you with this...I love you all and feel extremely blessed to be part of such a close family because not everyone is and I will never forget how lucky I am. Be safe. Go after what you want.
Wow! OK, my tears are mostly dried now, thanks for that....
ReplyDeletePlease tell Quinn that I am sorry about her nephew and will pray for his recovery.
You are right that we are all blessed to be a part of this family. No matter what we go through, we are all in it together even if we don't get to see each other often.
I love hearing about your training and will be with you in spirit when you are becoming a winner (again, because you are one many times over already) on Iron Man Day!!
I agree with you, Susan. As I told you yesterday, Dee...you are my HERO. I still can't believe you've done this exercise stuff for 12 years (I can't even spell "exercise"-it took me 3 tries). And yes, we are very blessed as a family. Meema & Poppop gave us very good examples to follow. And you "kids" did us all proud. I love each and every one of you so much!! "nough said!
ReplyDeleteGreat entry Dee! The cartoon about shocking the pool was hilarious! I am also in awe of you as I have said many times. You continue to amaze me and I am so very proud of you. I can't wait to cheer you on in Lake Placid (again I must state that there is a strong possibility that I may not have a chance to cheer you on but we will take it one day at a time). We are so very lucky to have a family like ours, I look around at other people and the drama that goes on in their families and I am so thankful that it isn't like that with all of us. My thoughts and prayers also go out to Quinnie and her niece and her husband! It is truly a reality check as to how quickly things can change in our lives!I love you Dee (and the rest of the family)and can't wait to see you! Keep up the good work!
Oh and one more thing Dee-I'm really glad that your legs haven't fallen off yet!!!!
I forgot to add my thoughts & prayers to Quinn & her niece & husband as well...what a horrible thing to happen. I think it was really great of you, Dee to go up to the hospital so Quinn could be with her niece. God bless & take care.
ReplyDeleteSorry to be getting on this soo late, but better late than never...what to say first. I can attest to the fact that you simply look physically and mentally exhausted, I saw you today at work and you just look spent.....you will get some vim and vigor back, you have just had a lot of extra crappola piled on top of your already heavy load. But like you said, this is how you are going to feel during the Ironman and you are going to pull all of that inner strength out and finish just like you always do and might I say just like the rockstar that you truely are..and you guessed it sissy, each and every one of us will be there physically or in your heart cheering you on every stop of the way....I love you and I believe in you....and by the way I also am very thankful that your legs haven't fallen off...oh and one more thing....I am also pulling for us all not to get murdered.....
ReplyDeleteDear Dee, That was so thoughtful of you to post that topless picture of me by Uncle J and Aunt L. pool at our last family reunion. Needless to say I am living vicariously through you.I am so proud of you. You are a tough chickie. My love to Quinn Quinn.