3.5 HRS. That is how long I spent on the trainer Saturday morning. Considering one minute on that thing feels like 10 then I FELT like I spent 35 hours on it. My ass thought so too. During that time an amazing amount of thoughts and questions ran through my head. Some were deep and meaningful but most were trivial and humorous. Let's face it... I am NOT going to cure cancer or create world peace while I am sweating to death pushing 130 watts on the trainer for hours at a time. It takes all my concentration to keep my legs from falling off.
I don't want to have to buy this shirt!!!! |
Anyhow here is a very small random sample of what went through my head. How could I possibly have only been on this thing for 45 mins so far? How come they didn't have cool toys like this when I was growing up?
I totally love this toy. We never had fun stuff like this!!! |
What the hell have I gotten myself into signing up for an IM? If he lives in a pineapple under the sea why does Spongebob have to take a bath? How could I have possibly only been on this damn thing for 48 mins so far? Why would anyone buy a toy called Princess and the Potty for their kid?
This is wrong on so many levels. Why not call her Queen Crapper instead? |
What ever made me think doing an IM was a good idea? Is it just a coincidence that Evanescence's song "My Last Breath" keeps coming up on my MP3? How could I have possibly gone 53 miles and still be in the same damn place? That plankton dude is pretty clever.
This dude has mad skills!!! He is a modern day MacGyver. |
Why did I let Kerry talk me into this?:) I feel like a total Western PA hick right now knowing that CCR's "Looking Out My Backdoor" is the ONLY thing getting me through this interval. Why, why, why aren't the penguins on until 10? How is it possible that my legs are still moving? More importantly, how the hell are they going to run 15 miles tomorrow? And so on and so on but I did it. Mission accomplished. So now onto Sunday with 15 miles to run. Luckily the weather was much better than last week. 32 and dry trumps 45 and rainy anyday. Also lucky for me, Cindy had to run 12 miles today. Perfect. I left my house at 6AM and ran to Cindy's which is convienently located just about 3 miles from my house and we headed out for 12 more miles. The run started on a kind of surreal note as there were two deer at the bottom of Cindy's street. She lives in Marblehead..not in the middle of the woods. The view from her back deck is the harbor not trees. Weird. We also saw a cardinal which made me smile because cardinals remind me of Meema. The first part of the run went ok but we were both feeling our prior day's workouts. Cindy is training for 50K (31 MILES) run in May so she ran almost 6 hours in the woods yesterday. Her legs were probably far more fatigued than mine. Misery loves company though and having each other to talk to was invaluable. By the time we got to only having 4 miles left I was hanging on by a thread and Cindy promised to tell me a very long story to keep my mind occupied. Her story lasted about two miles and then even she gave up and we continued on in silence occasionally interrupted by grunts, groans and invoking of God's name to please let us be done. Finally..15 miles done. We walked a bit to cool down and stopped briefly at Cindy's where she filled my water bottle and put it in one of my hands and a hot cup of coffee in the other and drove me home. You just can't beat friends like that!!! Thank you Cindy. After breakfast, a shower and a nap (at 10:15 AM) I went to pick up Ariel for lunch. She is pretty much a carbon copy of Tracie and I personality wise minus the F-bombs (thankfully). At lunch she was telling me about her dentist appointment yesterday and the whole time I was thinking "This is like looking in the mirror and listening to myself talk!!". Her version of her dental cleaning went a bit like this..First there were all these bratty kids in the waiting room running around all over the place. Some other kid was freaking out in the dentist chair...come on kid...you are getting your teeth cleaned NOT getting brain surgery. And then it is finally my turn and the hygienest is asking all these questions like.."How old are you? Where do you go to school? Who are you here with?" Really lady..are you some kind of stalker? I am not here to make friends. I just need my teeth cleaned. Then she finally has me sit in the chair and says she has to go get some stuff. Really....shouldn't she have had it ready to go??!!! If she was prepared and would quit asking questions we would be done by now. Holy freakin Deanne Jr batman. By the way Ariel...If I had the Play Doh dentist toy from above I could have cleaned your teeth in half the time. Just sayin!!!!
Really Dee where the hell do you come up with these things? What makes you think of play doh and dolls and where do these pictures come from? It is all very fascinating to me. Again what are watts? I forget although I think I remember not understanding the first time I heard about them. I worked almost as hard as you did today-I did a load of laundry and ran the sweeper-equally exhausting! As for my dear sweet niece Ariel the girl really never had a chance in this family. She has inherited the caustic personality of her mother and especially her aunt Dee!
ReplyDeleteLove ya sissy
I hope you have recovered from that strenuous day yesterday Sissy.Watts are the amount of power I am putting into pedaling the bike. As for the pictures...you can find pictures of just about anything on the web. Love you
DeleteI really am not sure what to say...I really think you may have finally lost it,...how and why did those toys come into your mind?? I understand the need for the penguins p.s. me and Mint got to watch them today...they are extremely entertaining,I am just a little alarmed at the randomness of your brain activity while on the trainer...I am thinking maybe you should get one of those handheld recorders like the doctors have and just record all these thoughts...they may be helpful someday while writing your manifesto...and lastly yes our precious beloved Ariel.....Jacki said it perfectly she really never had a chance in this family, and by the way neither did any of us, so suck it up Mint and deal with it.....love you sissys
ReplyDeleteThe toys come from the commercials on Nickelodeon. As far as my brain activity...I got nothing.....I have clearly lost my mind.
DeleteHahaha!! That was awesome. Really, Cindy couldn't finish a story?! That MUST have been a tough run. Wish I had been there, sounded like an interesting one. Also, was it really me who talked you into this? Funny, I don't remember it that way. I don't recall any arm-twisting on my part...just sayin'....
ReplyDeleteAt this point I really don't know whose insane idea this was. Most likely mine but I like to spread the blame around!!!
DeleteYou are just too funny,Dee. And don't you guys be talking about our sweet Ariel that way!!