Monday, September 24, 2012


BEWARE THE PENGUIN......anyone remember that Bud Light commercial?  If not you can watch it here  Ok but why am I bringing it up you ask.  Well every year since she was knee high, on the first Thursday night in October I have been bringing Ariel to the Salem Halloween parade.  We go to dinner with Quinn and her friend and then they leave us to head to the first of many bars while Ariel and I find a spot to plop down and watch the lamest Halloween parade ever in the Halloween Capital of the World.  There is a theme every year for this parade but it seems like everyone does their own thing and people just pop in anywhere along the way and join.  We simply love this parade and decided last year we were going to crash it and join the fun this year.  The theme for 2012 is animals and when I told Kerry we were going to crash the parade she said Jack's school was dressing up like penguins.  Perfect.  Easy costume to put together and you are all aware of my affinity for the Penguins of Madagascar.  Just for the record...Kerry told me about this while we were out riding bikes and oh was raining.  WTF!!  No it wasn't supposed to.  Whatever.  Apparently Mother Nature still has issues with us. But I digress.  So Ariel, Quinn and I hit the craft store for costume supplies yesterday and then loaded up on candy.  We don't think anywhere near enough people throw candy during the parade so we are going to do our part.  Of course I needed Quinn for the craft store part because that kind of stuff isn't my forte...oh crap Tray...I just remembered we forgot your craft sticks...oops.  Anyhow if you put me and a glue gun and glitter and scissors together in one room something bad is bound to happen and I will be permantly glued to some inanimate object although I will be really sparkly.  So next weekend we will make our costumes for the Oct 4th parade.  For those of you who don't live in these parts, Halloween is a month long celebration in Salem so the parade is early and kicks off the madness.  By the time the last two weekends of October roll around I don't even attempt to take my car anywhere.  Sheer madness.  After the costumes are made there is one final detail to work out.  Apparently certain members of my family are a bit concerned about the throwing candy part.  They are afraid that my anger management issues could possible result in me bouncing a roll of Smarties off someone's head at warp speed.  Ariel doesn't really tolerate the general public's stupidity all that well either so the two of us together might just be problematic.  But's a thought....if you get beamed off the head by a Tootsie Roll or a piece of Super Bubble.......A.  For whatever reason you clearly had it coming, B. You did, said or thought about saying something that annoyed us C. You stole candy from someone younger than you or D. We just totally felt like clocking you upside the head with a piece of candy.  Stay tuned for the parade recap in a few weeks and remember........BEWARE THE PENGUINS!!


  1. ahhh I wish i lived closer, would love to see you bopping people off the head w/candy while dressed like a penguin!! We hope to get up there this Oct for some Halloween fun and a visit w/Kerry. Make sure you post pics!!!

  2. I can't wait to see the pictures of you gals in the Penguin costumes, but wouldn't it be easier (and less dangerous) to just wear Pittsburgh Penguin jersies? You best buy candy that is soft and not conducive to causing concussions when hurled at warp speed in response to an unwanted remark. Just saying..But really have a blast with this one. Sounds like a lot of fun even though I hate Halloween and wouldn't want to join you...

  3. Aunt Lorrie, do you want Dee & Ariel to get pelted with rocks, this is Bruins country. Also if you would like to come on up here, I can help you get over your hatred for Halloween. Love ya, Quinn

  4. I'm sure dee and Ariel will be the best darn penguins anyone has ever seen in those parts-of course that's because Quinnie will be in charge! Dee please remember that as intolerant as you and Ariel are about the rapidly declining state of society, there are many others out there that share the same thoughts so when you are wailing pieces of candy at unsuspecting victims it might do you good to wear eye protection so no one does the same to the two of you. Can't wait to see the pics! Have lots of fun and I really wish I could go along!
    Love Sissy Jack

  5. Dee, you are just too funny!! You sure come by the non-craftiness honestly. Mugga & I tried to make peeps for Easter from a kit one about glue & sparkles!!!!! Anyway, this sounds like too much fun. Can't wait to hear about it on your next blog. (Maybe you two should wear helmets under the penguin costumes!!)
