Ok loyal blog followers......time to discuss the future of this blog. First however, let's talk about what I have been up to since IMLP and what the future holds. My recovery has been good. I am still surprised at how little pain I had in the days following the race...relatively speaking of course. My back was the worst and felt like it was going to snap in half at any moment. I did have to walk down the stairs sideways for a day or two after the race but honestly I have felt worse after just running a marathon. Weds after the race I went out for a 45 min bike ride. Friday I went for a 4.5 mile run and Saturday I went for a 34 mile bike ride. Shortly after uploading that workout I got an email from Jeff essentially asking "What the hell is wrong wrong with you???? You need to rest and recover. You need to understand that although you feel "okay" your body is dealing with a very deep-seated fatigue leaving you vulnerable to sickness and injury!!!" Umm OOPS. My bad. So I listened and rested and didn't run for the next week and stuck to swimming. He actually wrote in my training plan to go for a walk to the ice cream shop...like 5 days in a row. Good thing I am really not a big ice cream fan or I would have gained 10 lbs that week. So finally after 3 weeks I am getting back into a structured training schedule again. In 2 weeks Kerry and I are doing an Olympic distance tri which consists of a .9 mi swim, 26 mi bike and 6.2 mi run. I have no expectations or stress over this race and only one goal....I am going to ride my bike like I stole it....as fast as I can and I hope the tires are smoking when I get back into transition. I haven't been able to do that all summer. Of course it will make for a painful run but hey..I am an Ironman...I can take it. After that I will transition into trail running because I am doing a trail marathon in November. Again no pressure here...just a leisurely 26.2 miles in the woods. Whatever happens happens.
Onto the blog....I am still not convinced my life is entertaining enough to keep it going so here is a preview of what to expect. I will be forced to blog about sheer randomness starting with the IDIOTS who mow my neighbor's lawn. While I really like the little old lady who lives next door I could do without her son and grandson who come to mow the lawn. First off the lawn is the size of a postage stamp and I could cut it with a pair of scissors in half the time it takes these two IDIOTS to get it done. They pull up with their big boy power tools.....mower, weedwacker, leaf blower. Really dudes. I am sure this is their next purchase.
Another big boy toy |
Grandson gets started on the mower. Of course it takes him 25 pulls of the cord to get it started and I am surprised he doesn't dislocate his shoulder in the process. In the meantime Son has fired up the weedwacker to trim around the fence and judging by the excruciately high-pitched metal sound I hear the most he is using it as a paint stripper for the fence posts also. It seems that Son takes issue with the way Grandson is cutting the lawn so he proceeds to yell at him over top of both machines adding to the symphony outside my window. After what feels like an eternity they finally shut off the mower/weedwacker/paint stripper and there is beautiful silence and I can once again hear the television and myself think. That lasts for 3 secs as they fire up the leaf blower to .....well honestly I have no freakin idea why they use the damn thing. IDIOTS. By the time they finally pack up their toys and leave I could strangle them with my bare hands. I think from now on when they pull up I am going to have to jump in my car and go for a ride for an hour to get away from the noise.
SO followers...I can't do this alone. If you want me to continue you must comment. I mean why bother with all this typing if I don't know anyone is reading!!!! Let's see how it goes. The ball is in your court.
everyone loves hearing about stupid people, Deanne! Plus, you seem to attract them like bees to honey!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading! I'm a friend of Kerry's, found your blog through her and always look forward to everything you write.
ReplyDeleteYep..I'm still here!! excited to finally meet you at the tri!! and I assume you are doing the same trail marathon as Kerry? you ladies really are crazy!! It's all I can do to get into the gym every morning for 40 minutes!! my life is so hum-drum, husband 2 kids and a job, that I just love reading other people's blogs!! so keep blogging away to entertain me-please!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst, should we start now on the reservations for Rio in 2016? Is there an Olympic run in your future - cause if so - I AM THERE!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your stuff and Vince is right you do seem to attact stupid people. Keep the blog going - honestly, there should be a book deal in your future with this!!!
Uh hello....of course I am still here....Dee seriously you just have a knack for telling it like it is, and you have the greatest ways of saying it. U could never be short on topics to comment on because like Ariel says .....Dee pretty much hates everything...so it is a Big Loud Yes from me sissy..ps at least you can walk out your door and not have to go into ninja mode to make sure you sneak out without a 20 minute mindless conversation
ReplyDeleteI know I have enjoyed your blog and would certainly miss it if you decide to quit. With your "attitude" about stuff it makes for very entertaining reading. And besides if nothing special is going on in your personal life, there is usually something in the family that can be called upon (with discretion of course) to keep us up-to-date and well informed. So keep blogging, Deanne, and we will keep reading!
ReplyDeleteKeep it going! I find you highly entertaining! I will read. :-)