I am quite sure that just the title of this blog alone makes Quinn want to run and hide under a rock somewhere. She would prefer to stay in the background and go unnoticed but that isn't going to happen. I think you can have all different types of best friends. They are all equally important but love and support you in different ways. I consider my Mom and sisters all my best friends and get something different from each of them. I also consider Quinn my best friend. She is also my sherpa......no...not this kind of sherpa. More of a race sherpa. Lucky for

her I don't usually travel to races with all my belongings tied up in bundles so she doesn't have quite as much to carry as that dude. I manage to keep it to a phone, maybe a jacket, and car keys on those rare occasions when I actually drive myself somewhere. I guess she could be my chauffeur sherpa too because I hate to drive anywhere. It would be ok if I was the only one on the road but that never happens. Quinn does so much more than just hold my crap on race day and drive me places. She is probably the only person I can stand to have anywhere near me on a big race day when I am nervous.
This is how most vacations are spent!!! |
After many years of living in the same apartment (almost 20..yikes) she probably knows me better than anyone else. She possesess an uncanny ability to calm me down which comes in handy on race day as well as everyday life (like anywhere in public when people get on my nerves....which is well.....everywhere in public!!!) She is also able to convince me that I can do and finish whatever race I am about to attempt. She is the ultimate race sherpa. Quinn has come to see me in races from 5K's to marathons and sprint triathlons to half ironmen. She has accompanied me to NH, Maine, Chicago, RI and all over MA. She even drove one of the vans for our 12 person relay across Massachusetts a few years ago. It takes a special person to agree to spend 48 hrs driving 6 smelly runners and their crap across the state on very little to minimal sleep. Of course she did institute a "TIPS OR NIPS" policy meaning after running your section of the race you needed to hand over a nip or tip to Quinn in order to be allowed back in the van. Thankfully I do a lot of races with beer available to help her pass the time. Not only
Gotta pass the time somehow |
does Quinn research the course in long races to pop up different places to cheer me on but she manages to organize my family to get them in the right places where they need to be. As members of this family you know that is no easy task. Sometimes I think some of you could not find your way out of a paperbag with a map (but I love you anyways!!!!). She did an awesome job along with Danielle in Chicago and I ended up seeing them 3 times during the race. She will be invaluable in herding everyone along in Lake Placid. It is weird that during long races I worry about my family being bored or not being where they need to be but I know Quinn will have it all under control. She always does and that is why she is my best friend and I am eternally grateful for and to her. I do however shake my head in amazement at least three of four times a week that we haven't killed each other in all these years. There are plenty of times when we retire to our separate rooms to get away from each other until we forget what we were arguing about. Speaking of arguing...Quinn called me lazy this morning.....I found this amusing. I work 40 hrs a week and work out 12 plus hrs a week...how can I be lazy? She's right of course. If it isn't in my training plan I probably don't want to do it. I never go downstairs to get the mail.....I just don't feel like walking down a flight of stairs. If I drop something on the floor I will be more likely to step over it as opposed to picking it up. Now if my training plan said spend 20 mins picking your crap up off the floor I would probably do it. Or maybe if it said run up and down the steps at your lactate threshold pace and finish strong with a trip to the mailbox I would get the mail. Ok fine you win...I am lazy. Whatever. By the way today is Lynda's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(you too Aunt Lorrie!!!!) Do you know I knew Quinn for at least a year before I knew her first name was Lynda and her last name was Quinn?
She might have been thinking of a way to push me over the edge here!!! |
Thank you Lynda for listening to me piss, moan, whine and complain when things hurt or I don't want to do something. Thank you for putting it into perspective and making me realize how lucky I am that I have the ability to attempt this stuff at all. Thank you for making me laugh and taking care of me when I needed you to. My deepest apologies for traumatizing you when I crashed my bike and for asking those four questions over and over again. You are my best friend and you know we all consider you to be just another member of this crazy family which I am sure scares the hell out of you!!!!!!
Oh no...she's starting the birthday celebration early!!!!! |
This is a truely phenomenal blog sissy....I must agree with every single thing you wrote about our Quinnie, it really is amazing she hasn't chopped up your body and hid the parts somewhere by now....simply said Quinn is well......she is Quinn, she is family, she is support...I know she was definately one of the strongest most present people in my life when I need her the most and I know she is also yours...So cheers to Quinnie and Happy Birthday to you, you know I love you like a sister, whether you like it or not and I am pretty sure you do't like it...ps....she best be getting ready for planning this whole strategic day at Lake Placid because you said it sissy....we are...as a group friggin helpless without her
ReplyDeleteGreat blog dee! Quinnie is truly an awesome person and it makes me happy to know that you are so well looked after. It truly does take a special person to put up with all the bullshit I'm sure that Quinn puts up with. We are all blessed to have her in our lives and I also think of her as family. Quinnie-remember umbrella ella ella Ella and yelling 'dee' about a hundred times? Good times! Although I am terrified about lake placid and quite certain we are going to be slaughtered in our sleep, if we make it to the race I am quite confident that Quinn will lead us to where we need to be. Hats off to you Quinnie and happy birthday! Love you bunches, can't wait to see you, and thanks for taking care of my sissys!
Just for the record both of my lovely sisters...it is no picnic living with Quinn sometimes either!!!!! And really Jacki..you are staying at a bed and breakfast in Lake placid not the Bates Motel. I think you will be fine. I still laugh everytime I hear the Umbrella song. Ella ella ella ella ella hey hey hey
DeleteI seriously think someone is going to see this blog and want to publish it and other stories of our insane families.....now we are going to get slaughtered, at least she is not still saying we are going to be sleeping in the car....Jack..lets hope I don't start randomly screaming in the middle of the night, cause that is just gana start all kinds of trouble
DeleteAnd how do you know it's not the bates motel??? Seriously if there is going to be any screaming in the middle of the night I am quite confident that it will be me as I am being sliced to death! I might be better off sleeping in the car cause at least I can lock the doors ! Dear Lord help us all cause it's gonna be one hell of a weekend!
Sissy Jack
Deanne, what a lovely tribute to a very private person who really is a member of this insane family. I really wish I were going to
ReplyDeleteLake Placid. I know you all will have a good time (remember Chicago) Happy belated mutual birthday,Quinn. Thanks for your birthday greetings, Deanne.. Keep the blogs coming. They are so
enjoyable. Tracie is soooo right - someone should publish them.
Happy belated bday to Quinn! What a nice tribute to such a great friend.