In the words of Hillary Clinton "It takes a village" do an Ironman. OK..I added that last part. Maybe not for everyone but I seem to have created one. Come race day it is all on me. No one but me will be covering those 140.6 miles BUT I will need help to get to the starting line and that is where The Village People come in. Not to be confused with these Village People by the way
Holy 80's flashback Batman
My village people consist of, in no particular order, a coach, a personal trainer, an Ironbuddy (Kerry), training partners, a sherpa (Quinn) and cheerleaders (all youns!!!). I will talk about all my people eventually but today it is about my personal trainer. I have been working out with Jeremee for a few years now and his workouts to correct muscle imbalances, strengthen my core, and improve my strength will all play an important role come race day and have made a huge difference in races I have already done. I do believe however on certain occasions he is trying to kill me. There have been quite a few workouts over the years where I have walked out of his torture chamber thinking "Ugh..that's gonna leave a mark" and have subsequently had difficulty walking, standing, sitting, breathing etc the next few days but he outdid himself yesterday. It didn't hurt so much as just wiped out every muscle fiber I possessed in my legs for a few hours afterwards. My legs were supporting me as well as two pieces of spaghetti when I left there last night. While I won't bore you with the details suffice it to say there was plenty of sprinting, squatting, lunging and jumping (the bane of my existence..hate hate hate it) to be had. There was also plenty of hyperventilating, sweating, grunting, and invoking of God's name.
Jeremee's torture chamber
Aside from the pain to come what I will be left most with about this workout is that it is amazing just how much your body can endure. It really is more of a mental game. When your mind is telling your body it simply can't do anymore you must learn to tell it to shut up because your body can take it. And Jeremee if you are reading this be careful not to pull your shoulder out of joint while you are patting yourself on the back!!!! :) Now I must go find some ibuprofen.
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