What up blog peeps? So in my half-ass attempt to get in some kind of worthwhile training for my marathon in 13 freakin days I have been running 4 days a week. This is unusual for me as I have been a 3 day a week runner for years now. I am trying to get that 4th run in during the early am hours because honestly work sucks the life right out of me and I have issues with getting out there to run after work. So instead of putting on my big girl panties and dealing with it I prefer to run at o dark thirty. I headed out Thurs and was having a great run in the wonderful 45 degree dry air until mile 4.5 when I tripped over ......well who the hell knows what I tripped over...my feet, a rock, the sidewalk, a piece of dust , air...whatever. I executed a stunning slide and once again managed to scrape up my knees. My hands were ok since I had gloves on. So for the umteenth time I finished out a run (2.5 miles) with blood running down some extremity. The only redemming part about this wipeout was that since it was dark and 5:15 AM no one saw me do it!!! That however was NOT the most amazing blood-letting incident of my week. That came yesterday morning at Mile 11.75 of a 12 mile run as I arrived at a blind corner of a driveway at the same time a guy WALKING a bike with a 10 foot rusty pole balanced on it was exiting said driveway. He had no idea I was coming and I had no idea he was coming until this very large pole all of the sudden appeared in front of me. I had all of 1 sec to reach my hands up to prevent me from decapitating myself on the damn thing. By doing that I managed to slice open my hand on the rusty pole. After a series of OMG's and sorry's I reassured the guy I would be ok and I finished yet another run with blood dripping down an extremity.
If this guy had a metal pole and was walking the bike it would be my guy!!!! |
Seriously peeps.....who the hell gets sliced open buy a killer rusty pole???!!!!!WTF. Quinn just shook her head when I told her what happened and pointed to the hutch which houses the first aid bag of wound care products, gauze, bandages, tape, etc. Man that thing gets a lot of use. Today I ran a 9.3 mile race in the woods and on some very technical trails and did not wipeout at all. Kerry and I did get lost and added a little under a half mile to our race. Cindy and Deb ran..they got lost. Steve ran..he got lost. All at different places though. Go figure.
On a non-running note. Tray and Ariel came over after Ariel's guitar lesson yesterday so we could walk downtown get some lunch and freak watch. It probably would have been easier to order a pizza and sit on my couch and watch those two instead. After a dreary, rainy, foggy, cloudy morning it turned into a beautiful 70 degree day. Well...unless you are a member of the Dudevoir mushroom family. They frown upon bright sunshine. If you go to their house on a bright summer day every window, door and blind will be closed and every air conditioner and fan in the house will be on. You will need a headlamp to find your way around the house in the dark. FREAKS!!!!!! We walked into town to a chorus of "I'm hot, why did the sun have to come out, omg I am sweating". Most people would consider yesterday beautiful but those Dudevoir's suffer from combustitis...the fear of spontaneously combusting when exposed to sunlight.
Now THAT will leave a mark |
Despite the pissing, moaning, whining, complaining and worrying about melting we had a nice lunch and saw some typical Halloween in Salem freaks. 16 days till the BAHAMAS!!!